Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris

Synopsis: Personal experiences of a popular writer's life growing up.

Writing Style: Sensitive. Sardonic. Essays. Old-school. 

Pacing: Fast. Extremely Fast.

Personal Highlights: Among two of Sedaris' other books, 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' and 'Holidays on Ice', I liked this one best. Reminiscent of many white male American authors hailing from the 50/60/70's generation, I loved the dry wit. The stories, all page-turning quality, were easy to picture. My favorites were Monie Changes Everything and The Girl Next Door. Both highlighted his natural sensitivities, similar in some respects to the way he described his relationships with the prominent men in his life; his father, childhood friends, his brother and Hugh. I couldn't help but chuckle coming across his convenient memory of Thad's misfortune, like I found his stereotypical depiction of alpha males amusing. Overall, the entertainment value is high. I practically read the book in one sitting. Highly recommended. (read 2004 copyright edition).


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