Around the World in Black and White by Alana Best
Writing Style: Traditional. Reflective.
Pacing: Relatively Fast.
Personal Highlights: A breath of fresh air was my first thought. Alana’s note in her intro is a critical insertion that helps appreciate the stories as she and hubby, (traveling with a newborn), toured the globe, or at least a good chunk of it. Starting with East Asia and culminating with South Africa, the writing is mostly optimistic, scenic and reflective. Touristy attractions (on the beaten paths) are described like fanning (or flipping) through pages in a book. The art, the food, the people encountered are wrapped up in those sights. Rude people, in particular, Alana ruminates over. Up to this point she’s only heard of intolerance and narrow-mindedness; rarely (if ever) experienced it up close and personal. But London she loved. Most were her “type people”.
Overall, I found the read feely, though easy on the eyes. For the most part this travel adventure seemed fun, filled with stories that aside from the art, cuisine, cultural observations and sporty exploits, also include considerable narratives on the joys and sorrows of extended family who here and there also joined the year-long venture. Readers looking for a chill memoir to read will enjoy ‘Around the World in Black & White’. Read 2023 soft-copy edition.
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