Black White and Gray All Over by Frederick Douglass Reynolds
Synopsis: The personal journal and journey of police work.
Writing Style: Raw. Descriptive. Detailed.
Pacing: Fairly Fast.
Personal Highlights: This journal is more than a kaleidoscope of police work and politics, the principle narrative that rules the book. Most impressive is the family aspect threaded through this journey, beginning with a troubled youth raised from humble beginnings who in juxtapose to getting his footing, pursued a career in law enforcement after an honorable career with the Marine Corps. Passionately Frederick lends readers his lens to see how his personal experiences facilitated his ability to both protect and serve the community, and as well minister to police departments and its constituents. Overall, it's a hard story, though the premise is clear. The theme of the title and his unfailing respect for community, and porous understanding of his father's struggles mirrored in his own life, remains consistent throughout.
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