Adrian Always by Rita Schinnar & William A. Meis, Jr.

Synopsis: A grandmother's personal study of her grandson's first few years of life

Writing Style: Modest. Unadorned. Unique.

Pacing: Fairly Fast.

Personal Highlights: This has to be one of the most *pleasantly* unusual reading experiences I’ve ever encountered! The story is narrated in the voice of a child not only too young to write, but so early in development that had not it been for his doting grandmother noting his progress from birth to pre-school, his milestones would have been impossible to write and be as entertaining and heartwarming. Anyone with downtime and looking for a satisfying break, this is a good book to check out. Personally I found Grandma Rita's note-taking an insightful study on innate human behaviors worth probing early, (perhaps) rather than later. Very interesting. As for the Three Bears Park workouts building up Adrian's trapezius muscles, along with his endearing habit for wanting to please others, well that was just plain fun...and funny.


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