An Autobiography by Angela Davis

Synopsis: The Life Story of an American Revolutionist

Writing Style: Straightforward, Intellectual without being Scholarly

Pacing: Moderately Fast

Personal Highlights: What struck me first and foremost was the way Ms. Davis narrated her autobiography. The writing is clear, plain-speak, detailed and incredibly interesting. No words were wasted. I couldn't put the book down. Hailing from humble beginnings, raised in Alabama (during a racially turbulent time) by two everyday hardworking parents, and traditionally educated---Undergraduate...Graduate...and PhD... all stood out. The passion stood out. And despite the accoutrement of activities in which she was involved; school work, philanthropic efforts and revolutionary pursuits mired in political (national and local) forays, plus dealing with the prison system and ultimately defending herself in courts, this layered account was explained in plain language easy to understand but demanding to read. The inclusion of the hitch-hiking incident however, (during her first year at Brandeis) was where I found the greatest moment of reflection, or perhaps pause for reflection. Overall, this is an intellectually stimulating read. Highly recommended. (read 2021 ed.)


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