Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
Synopsis: Personal reflections becoming a celebrity actor
Writing Style: Engaging. Genuine. Casual.
Pacing: Moderately Fast.
Personal Highlights: That opening! McConaughey likes preachers, but doesn’t plan on preaching to readers. Oh man! I was all in on that opening, even if it was (kind of) what he doesđ.
Nonetheless, the interior of the book is beautifully laid out. It’s organized too. There are graphics, poetic notes, clips of screenplays, pages ripped out of journals, footnotes, and plenty of photos… along with a generous amount of storytelling.
I enjoyed how Matthew introduced his family, especially mom who he describes as beating cancer twice (…on aspirins and denial). He comes from humble beginnings, raised on old-school values. The internship he did, staying as an exchange student with an Australian family showed his core personality. HUMBLE. And definitely determined and strong-willed. Punching a hole in that door, wrestling that indomitable man in the African village, the bar fight, and pursuing the lead part that earned him a lucrative film career were good examples. One of my favorites albeit, was that phone call to his father and the advice he got back. “Don’t half ass it!” …One of his first real greenlights! Loved that!
Overall, a very easy memoir to curl up with. Highly recommended.
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