Black Women Speak Out by Bailey, Proctor & Contributing Authors

Synopsis: A Collection of Personal Narratives of Racial Discrimination.

Writing Style: Natural. Candid. Warm.

Pacing: Moderate.

Personal Highlights: This book really grew on me. The many personal stories, written by a collection of women, were heartfelt... summarized in a quote that encapsulates the overall tone of this collective narrative. ‘Remember that God can use your ‘misery’ for your ‘ministry.’’ To that note, the opening and closing… well done; like the stories between… a combination of accoutrements found in books; (i.e., historical insight, engaging ‘personal’ storytelling, painful memories, psychological trauma, overcoming adversity, and even a little bit of humor). “A Challenged Promise” and “Relationships that Challenge Change” were especially touching. Alicia Rouseau-Varnado’s writing voice…very nice! And, I just loved the BOUGIE COWGIRL!!! 

Although I’ve highlighted some of the stories noted while reading, there were other stories that didn’t require noting because they will stay with me forever. Very nice job ladies! Highly recommended!


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