The Beauty in Breaking by Michele Harper

Synopsis: Personal reflections of an emergency room doctor.

Writing Style: Moving. Clear. Frank.

Pacing: Fast.

Personal Highlights: The Beauty in Breaking grew on me, starting with Dr. Jaiswal encouraging students to use deductive reasoning. Up to this point it was hard to tell how Michele’s difficult early experiences was going to affect her personal perspectives. So much for that concern, the story took off from there. 

Overall, a very easy read. Michele is passionate and educated. She explains EM work in details lay people can understand; definitely valuable from a medical standpoint. The chapter; ‘Joshua: Under Contract’ was powerful. There's just so much insight, particularly on staying well and wellness. No page was wasted. This story just got better and better. Seriously. I can't count the times I paused to reflect on one of the numerous stories; thus I'm only skimming (in this review) the wealth of subjects broached in this timeless memoir. The reading transformation I experienced was REAL, and of course unforgettable. Really touched. A Must. Highly Recommended.


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