More Myself by Alicia Keys

The personal reflections of a celebrity musician.
Writing Style: Commercially passionate.
Pacing: Moderate.
Personal Highlights: What drew me to want to read this memoir was #NoMakeUp. Not that I was hoping to read a tell-all unmasking, I did look forward to learning Alicia Keys’ perspectives on making music, from the ground, up. It took a minute, getting through the opening, but delivered as the pages turned.

The narration is positive, classy, and the energy wrapped around this memoir is to be treasured for sure. Sensitive and somewhat reserved, what wholly won me over was Alicia's business focus and passion for her work. She IS the whole package! She plays, composes and sings! I as well adored the relationship she shared with her paternal grandparents. Was glad she came to an understanding with her father. Really liked hubby Swizz. Had to laugh though, about his view when it came to that alternative marriage suggestion…like I laughed about Alicia initially throwing shade with that… ‘nah, I’m good…see you when I see you.’ Haha.  The entire romance read beautiful…to include the expose on ‘Blended Family.’ I also respected Alicia admitting to not knowing all the nuances of politics, but wanting to use her voice and platform to inspire change for the better of mankind… i.e., #NoMakeUp and what first drew me to this memoir. Personally, her music alone, especially FALLEN’, and the raw passion she puts into her work, moves me… and not just my feet!

Overall, this was a great reading experience! Highly recommended.


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