We’re Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union

Synopsis: Memoir of an American Actress and Activist.

Writing Style: First person, Chatty-like.

Pacing: Fast: Very Fast!

Personal Highlights: For starters, this memoir totally and wholly surprised me, and in the best way possible. Opened the book and couldn’t put it down.

Things began relatable, promising. Two career parents, stable home, regular life and the typical young people school nuances easy to relate to despite thinking I might need more space to yawn when... whaala & shazam... the story took off and didn’t let up until page 259... the end.

So many relevant topics were broached, all in this chatty upbeat style...and this includes even some real dark hard experiences. Overall, I respected her unapologetic handle on sex managing her raging hormones. Yes! Good for her. I as well loved her perspectives on romance, dating and especially step-mothering. The humor simply flies off the page; many spots hilarious as YKW. And despite how she addressed her insecurities related to race, it’s impossible to ignore where she was raised, how she was raised, and more importantly, how she felt. What happened was what happened, what I’d like to believe was why Prince invited her into the ‘in-fold.’ You can’t put a price on smart, profound, candid genuineness, exactly how I felt about this memoir. A MUST. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!


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