TOP 10 FAVORITE MEMOIRS read in 2017

...this HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING LIST is shared in no particular order. Every one of the memoirs, not all written in 2017, shared genuine personal stories that frankly, touched me to the core.

M E R R Y 🎄 C H R I S T M A S

Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson
Pain Don’t Hurt by Mark ‘Fightshark’ Miller
Love in the Driest Season by Neely Tucker
Tha Doggfather by Snoop Dogg
My Life, My Love, My Legacy by Coretta Scott King
My Mistake by Daniel Menaker
When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago
I Choose to Stay by Salome Thomas-EL
The Journey Home by Clifton Taulbert
Cold Hard Truth On Men, Women, and Money by Kevin O'Leary


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