Gandhi: An Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Mahadev H. Desai

Synopsis: Translated biography of Gandhi’s quest for truth. 

Writing Style: A ‘translated’ mix of traditional, contemporary, biblical-ish journalism.

Pacing: Slow.

Personal Highlights: I really looked forward to reading this biography, anticipating on tip toes what Gandhi would discover about truth...thus began my challenge. Reading page for page, straight through to page 375, and then the last 20 or so pages, took a lot of reading between the lines to see these truths. Ironically, for as slow the pacing, many of the stories were moreover moving. I liked this. Even wanted more... depth perhaps... starting with his core beliefs and opinions I had to assume were inherited at birth. Overall, Gandhi’s extensive study and reading of many religious tomes and books, his propensity to be upfront about his actions, thoughts and deeds (some of which I suspect was lost in the translation), along with his willingness to at least hear out those practicing faiths different from his own, all on top of his missionary work helping many Hindus (surprisingly (for me at least) through his knowledge and practice of law) revealed why Gandhi is viewed by many the world over, a prophet. Indeed there were quite a few heavy surprises in this biography; refreshing spots of humor here and there to boot, although uncannily not what expected, and yet truly enlightening.


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