from ashes to africa by Josh and Amy Bottomly

I can't recall what drew me to this book, but I had a strong inkling the story would be tremendous soon as I read Frederick Buechner's inserted quote: "Writing is really quite simple; all you have to do is sit down at your typewriter and open a vein."

This was exactly what happened in the writing `from ashes to africa.' Josh and Amy open that vein, candidly recounting a tumulus marriage which blossoms into a most remarkable story.

It tickled me to read what their marriage counselors thought when Josh and Amy first began counseling, even as I read in absolute awe how this couple hung in there, clinging to faith I want to say, seeking to resolve what seemed to be pulling them apart.

The tears wouldn't stop following this couple's insights, along with the biblical narrations and passages that not only led them to Africa, making their purpose in life meaningful, and marriage whole, but the spiritual connection between the biblical stories and their stories are far too deep to simply hand over to great writing.

I highly recommend reading from ashes to africa. It's candid. Amazingly insightful. Heartwarming and touching. And an inspirational must to experience. Over the top phenomenal!


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